Research & Projects

The outstanding team at the Center For Population Behavioral Health has constantly been working on exciting research and projects.

Stress and Health Study
Evaluating a Photovoice program

Funded through a grant from the Rutgers School of Public Health and the Mason Gross School of the Arts, this study examines the effects of Photovoice workshops and exhibits on HIV-related stigma and sexual minority stigma.

Funded through a grant from the Rutgers School of Public Health and the Mason Gross School of the Arts, this study examines the effects of Photovoice workshops and exhibits on HIV-related stigma and sexual minority stigma.

Stress and Health Study
Evaluating the effects of state-level school-based sex education policies and practices on teenage pregnancy prevention


This Teenage Pregnancy Prevention grant from the Office of Population Affairs will longitudinally evaluate the effects of state-level school-based sex education policies and practices on adolescent sexual risk behaviors and sexual health outcomes by conducting secondary data analyses using a novel combination and integration of publicly available reports and datasets merging existing state-level, school-level, and individual-level data from 2001 to the present. 

Stress and Health Study
Ethics of HIV-related research involving underage key populations in sub-Saharan Africa


This study will involve a systematic review of where and how youth who sell sex and young males who have sex with males have been included in HIV research in Africa, surveillance of African countries’ policies on parental consent for minors’ participation in research, and surveys and focus groups of research ethics committee members in Africa and HIV researchers who have conducted studies with key populations in Africa that included or excluded minors.

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