Marcela Kraft
Marcela Kraft
Marcela Kraft
Research Assistant

Marcela Kraft is a graduate student in the Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP–2024) program at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. She has a background in design, project management, exercise science and wellness, health coaching, functional personal training, and yoga. Marcela has a postgraduate certificate in Integrative Therapies with an emphasis in Human Sexuality and undergraduate degrees in Applied Psychology and Industrial Product Design. She is a current Research Assistant for the Rutgers Institute of Health, Healthcare Policy, and Aging Research. Marcela wants to pursue her doctorate in clinical psychology with a concentration in health psychology and psychological traumatology. She is interested in the effects of positive psychology interventions, meditation, a healthy diet, and movement on posttraumatic growth and neuroplasticity. Marcela’s research interests include understanding the biochemical and neuropsychophysiological functioning of adult individuals affected by adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and how that leads to mental, physical, and behavioral changes that may precipitate illnesses preventable by healthy behavioral and lifestyle changes. In addition, Marcela is interested in the intersectionality between high ACE scores, social determinants of health, and health outcomes in vulnerable, under-resourced, and marginalized communities and how that impacts one’s ability to self-regulate, develop healthy habits, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and cultivate healthy relationships later in life.